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The Pyramid™ - 1kg pre-filled disposable carbon dioxide absorber

The Pyramid™ is an easy to use disposable absorber specifically developed for clinical use during anaesthesia to absorb carbon dioxide within an anaesthetic breathing system. The Pyramid™ is compatible with the following Dräger® anaesthetic workstations providing it is used in conjunction with the CLIC® adaptor: Fabius®, Julian®, Primus®, Zeus®, Perseus®, Atlan®.

The Pyramid is provided with a choice of Spherasorb™ medical grade soda lime or LoFloSorb™ medical grade alkali-hydroxide-free absorbent.

View the CO2 absorbents compatibility table

Dräger is a registered trademark of Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA. CLIC is a trademark of Dräger Medical GmbH. Fabius, Julian, Primus, Zeus and Perseus are registered trademarks of Dräger Medical GmbH. Atlan is a registered trademark of Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA.



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